News, weekly blog posting from Della's Rug Hooking.


If you are blessed to have grandchildren, you already know they are what we, as parents, should of had, first in life! Above are my three grandchildren, the newest member arrived on March 13th. 

I had shown you last week a snowman mini punch I had done to match my granddaughters picture she coloured. They are both now framed, see below. 

I have no updates on anything else fibre related that I have accomplished in the last week.



I think sisterhood is a special relationship that can be biological and/or a kindred spirit. I have a very special sister-in law that we call each other ‘sista’ as we have been a kindred spirit for many years. Fibre artist are kindred spirits as we work with woolen materials in various ways. From the very beginning in 2006, when I learned how to rug hook, the rug hookers embraced me into their community of like minded folks with the love of rug hooking. It really is the people you choose to...

Sugar Sugar

Sugar pie honey bunch, I’m gonna love you…. Probably the only line I know of that song called, I Can’t Help Myself, and when I goggled it, seems to be several groups have a version of this song but I think Four Tops originally sang it. Saturday we visited the Sugar Woods in Fenwick, NS.  It is Maple season once again. It was a beautiful day for it and lots of people were out taking the walk to their favorite sugar camp. My boyfriend Charlie had no idea where maple syrup...

Holy Crap Batman!

Do you have phrases that pop out of your mouth that you don't really think about and when asked, you have to think for a minute, what does it mean? My boyfriend Charlie, originally from Iran, lived in LA for 45 years, is constantly hearing words and phrases come out of my mouth that he isn't familiar with and he always asks, 'what does that mean'?  One such phrase was yesterday, I can't remember what we were talking about but out comes from my mouth, I'm not any Tom, Dick or...

Bright Sunshine of February

February isn’t leaving without dumping snow and rain for others. We got a pile of snow yesterday and it is so pretty today.  It is very icy underneath all the snow so be careful out there.  To me this is what winter should be. The bright sunshine this time of year warms up a room in a heart beat. Makes one want to lay in the sunbeams like a cat.

In the mail this week; Faye Spence shared a couple of...